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Date        : 2021/05/31 08:22
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/contact:start
Edit Summary: [Join our chat room via [matrix]] User : sunweaver

@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 NOTE: Many of the upstream developers of X2Go live in Europe (CEST timezone). 
So if you are »from far away« then make sure you hover around on IRC long 
enough for one us to get out of bed, have breakfast and answer your questions. 
You may have to ask your question on IRC and stay in the channel over (your) 
night and look for an answer the next morning.
===== Join our chat room via [matrix] ===== - The X2Go upstream developer+contributor team runs
its own [matrix]/IRC channel on matrix.org (bridged over to Libera.Chat IRC). 
Join us in the ''#x2go'' channel on ''matrix.org'':
+ The X2Go upstream developer+contributor team runs its own [matrix]/IRC 
channel on matrix.org (bridged over to Libera.Chat IRC). Join us via our 
''#x2go:matrix.org'' [matrix] channel:
* register for a Matrix account (either on a self-hosted [matrix] homeserver or on one of the publicly available homeservers (e.g. matrix.org)
   * Explorer public rooms
   * search for #x2go

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