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Date        : 2021/05/31 08:23
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/contact:start?rev=1622449416
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/contact:start
Edit Summary: User : sunweaver

@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
   * Explore public rooms
   * search for #x2go
   * join that room
- NOTE: Many of the upstream developers of X2Go live in Europe (CEST timezone). So if you are »from far away« expect answers being delayed. The advantage of [matrix] over IRC is that chat history is persistent and you should be able to ask a question, go offline, come back later and find your answer in the chat history.
+ NOTE: Many of the upstream developers of X2Go live in Europe (CEST timezone). 
So if you are »from
far away«, expect answers being delayed. The advantage of [matrix] over IRC is 
that chat history is persistent and you should be able to ask a question, go 
offline, come back later and find your answer in the chat history.

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