Hi all,

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick update from myself.

Whilst I can’t speak for everyone in the community, I know we have valuable
members who are committed to making the Xen Project successful. We are a
strong and passionate community made up of individuals who consistently
seek improvement in ways of working to ensure our open source project is
welcoming and friendly. Our project is not only advancing the industry in
many ways, but there are policies and governance practices that the
community has helped shape to make it a better environment for all.

As such, I strongly condemn activities or communications that diminish our
efforts on how great the community is. We may not be perfect, but
collectively we are all working towards a common goal on how to be better.

This is a reminder to everyone to keep up the great work you are already
doing, and for other individuals to refrain from making comments that could
be seen as harmful to the community. Our communications can easily be
misperceived and interpreted by others negatively, so if your messaging is
not beneficial, please do not send these.

Our next steps will be to look at creating a community working or technical
group of some sort, to help address concerns and drive direction within the
community. Given this will be something that affects everyone, I’d like to
ask for your patience as we scope out the specifics before asking for your
feedback. I want to make sure we do this properly to ensure the process is
something that benefits the community in the long run. As soon as I have
the details, I will be sharing them with you all.

I wish you all a great holiday and a Happy New Year!

Many thanks,
Kelly Choi

Community Manager
Xen Project

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