On Nov 7, 2011, at 5:28 AM, Vafa Khalighi wrote:

>> So, are you suggesting I should downgrade to TL 2010? Previously I was
>> using just that version, without any apparent problem, all started when I
>> upgraded to TL 2011 (but after a fresh install, so no remnants of TL 2010
>> on my hard disk).
> I do not think there has been major changes in XeTeX from TeXLive 2010 to
> 2011. As I understand, your problem has to do with texworks and not with
> xetex so I do not see how downgrading your TeX distribution can help here.
> I am also using Ubuntu 11.10 and have not experienced any problem with
> XeTeX binary. For instance, can you test if you have problem with pdflatex
> in TeXWorks too? if you do not, then obviously TeXWorks is faulty and not
> your XeTeX binary. About your problem with fontspec, it may be a fontspec
> bug but if you send a minimal working example, we can look at it.


I haven't been following the complete discussion but did you get all of the 
latest updates using tlmgr after installing TL2011?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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