
To Vafa:
I uploaded a minimal working example, it's a stripped down version of a book, text removed apart from a stub using greek text (Unicode capabilities), the prologue is intact, the default font is Tinos, a freely downloadable font, but if you want you can substitute it with LiberationSerif or any other font that supports polytonic Greek. Please provide me with an example for pdflatex, I don't know how to use it :) The developers of TexWorks told me their program has nothing to do with it: http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=550#makechanges

To Schulz:
Of course I did update, I actually run sudo tlmgr update --all every day.

/Alessandro Ceschini/

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, openany, draft]{book}
\setotherlanguages{dutch, english, german, latin, italian, spanish}
\setitemize{nolistsep, label=$-$}

	\long \def \@makefntext #1%
			\makebox [25pt][r]{\@thefnmark.\,}#1%



\textgreek{οἱ πολλοὶ}


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