Daniel Nouri wrote:
Christian Scholz:

Daniel Nouri wrote:

The solution to this one is quite simple: Use virtualenv with
--no-site-packages and then use bin/python to run bootstrap.py
Ok, thanks. How do I deploy such a thing? I guess virtualenv then has
to run by the one setting up his development sandbox? What files
can/need to be in subversion?
(I never used virtualenv before, only buildout).

So my main question is probably: Is there a way to automate the
process of installing and running virtualenv similar to what
bootstrap.py does for buildout so that people do not need to care
about the virtualenv part?

This shell script should help:

  sudo easy_install virtualenv
  virtualenv . --no-site-packages
  bin/python bootstrap.py

Ok, except that this does not run under windows and it still needs to have easy_install installed. But if there is no existing script, maybe I write one then. I have my custom bootstrap for using the development version of setuptools now already anway.

Thanks so far!

-- Christian

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