That isn't currently possible, but it sounds like a useful thing to add. One problem is that there are some types that know that they have alpha, others that know that they do not, and still others which are too general and may have alpha or may not, so how do you encapsulate that information in a query?

For example, IntArgb does have alpha, IntRgb does not, but AnyIntDcm may or may not have alpha.

If we simply have ST implement Transparency then I suppose the types that are too general could simply return "Translucent" in order to avoid the promise of opacity. It's the "safe" answer since Translucent doesn't guarantee that the pixels themselves will not be opaque - just that they have the option to be non-opaque...


Clemens Eisserer wrote:

Is it possible to determine wether a SurfaceType does support transparency?
I know its possible with SurfaceData, but I need to know at
loop-registerion time where I only have access to SurfaceTypes of

Thank you in advance, Clemens

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