
Pisces could really stand to upgrade to floats/doubles everywhere, for several reasons:

- FPU ops are likely as fast if not faster on modern hardware due to parallel execution of FP instructions alongside regular instructions.

- Don't have to worry about getting coordinates larger than 32K (I don't think this is well tested, but I imagine that Pisces will not deal with it very gracefully).

- Lots of code is greatly simplified not having to deal with the semantics of how to do fixed point multiplies, divides, and conversions.

I meant to do this during the original integration, but I wanted to get the task done as quickly as possible so that we could have an open source alternative to the closed Ductus code so I left that task for a later update. But, now that a lot of work is being done on the code to fix it up, it might be better to do the float conversion now so that the maintenance is easier and before we end up creating a lot of new fixed point code.

My plate is full right now, but hopefully I can interest someone else in doing a cleanup cycle? (Donning my Tom Sawyer hat... ;-)


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