Hello Jim.

> I think a more dynamic approach that looked at how "regular" the curve
> was would do better.  Regular is hard to define, but for instance a 
> bezier section of a circle could have parallel curves computed very 
> easily without having to flatten or subdivide further.  Curves with 
> inflections probably require subdividing to get an accurate parallel
> curve.

I'm not sure if you read it, but after the email with the webrev link
I sent another describing a different method of widening: split the
curve at every t where dx/dt == 0 and dy/dt == 0. This guarantees that
there will be no more than 5 curves per side, and since each curve will
be monotonic in both x and y the curve that interpolates its parallel 
should do a pretty good job.

This is far better than interpolating at regular t intervals, but I'm 
trying to find a better way. I don't like this because the split
depend not only on the curve itself, but also on the axes. The axes are
arbitrary, so this is not good. For example a curve like this 
\_ would get widened by 1 curve per side (which is good and optimal), but
if we rotate this curve by, say, 30 degrees it would be widened by 2 curves
per side.
It also doesn't handle cusps and locations of high curvature very well (although
I think the latter is a numerical issue that could be made better by using 


----- "Jim Graham" <james.gra...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Denis,
> On 8/23/2010 4:18 PM, Denis Lila wrote:
> >      To widen cubic curves, I use a cubic spline with a fixed number
> of curves for
> > each curve to be widened. This was meant to be temporary, until I
> could find a
> > better algorithm for determining the number of curves in the spline,
> but I
> > discovered today that that won't do it.
> >      For example, the curve p.moveTo(0,0),p.curveTo(84.0, 62.0,
> 32.0, 34.0, 28.0, 5.0)
> > looks bad all the way up to ~200 curves. Obviously, this is
> unacceptable.
> >
> > It would be great if anyone has any better ideas for how to go about
> this.
> > To me it seems like the problem is that in the webrev I chop up the
> curve to be
> > interpolated at equal intervals of the parameter.

> Perhaps looking at the rate of change of the slope (2nd and/or 3rd 
> derivatives) would help to figure out when a given section of curve
> can 
> be approximated with a parallel version?
> I believe that the BasicStroke class of Apache Harmony returns widened
> curves, but when I tested it it produced a lot more curves than Ductus
> (still, probably a lot less than the lines that would be produced by 
> flattening) and it had some numerical problems.  In the end I decided
> to 
> leave our Ductus stuff in there until someone could come up with a
> more 
> reliable Open Source replacement, but hopefully that code is close 
> enough to be massaged into working order.
> You can search the internet for "parallel curves" and find lots of 
> literature on the subject.  I briefly looked through the web sites,
> but 
> didn't have enough time to remember enough calculus and trigonometry
> to 
> garner a solution out of it all with the time that I had.  Maybe
> you'll 
> have better luck following the algorithms... ;-)
> As far as flattening at the lowest level when doing scanline
> conversion, 
> I like the idea of using forward differencing as it can create an 
> algorithm that doesn't require all of the intermediate storage that a
> subdividing flattener requires.  One reference that describes the 
> technique is on Dr. Dobbs site, though I imagine there are many
> others:
> http://www.drdobbs.com/184403417;jsessionid=O5N5MDJRDMIKHQE1GHOSKH4ATMY32JVN
> You can also look at the code in 
> src/share/native/sun/java2d/pipe/ProcessPath.c for some examples of 
> forward differencing in use (and that code also has similar techniques
> to what you did to first chop the path into vertical pieces).  BUT 
> (*Nota Bene*), I must warn you that the geometry of the path is
> somewhat 
> perturbed in that code since it tries to combine "path normalization"
> and rasterization into a single process.  It's not rendering pure 
> geometry, it is rendering tweaked geometry which tries to make non-AA
> circles look round and other such aesthetics-targeted impurities. 
> While 
> the code does have good examples of how to set up and evaluate forward
> differencing equations, don't copy too many of the details or you
> might 
> end up copying some of the tweaks and the results will look strange 
> under AA.  The Dr. Dobbs article should be your numerical reference
> and 
> that reference code a practical, but incompatible, example...
>                       ...jim

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