Hi Jim.

> Also, I've gotten another 20% improvement out of the design with a few
> more tweaks.  (Though I measured the 20% in the stripped down version
> that I'm prototyping with FX so I'm not sure how much of that 20%
> would show up through the layers of the 2D code.  Overall, I've about
> doubled the frame rates of the prototype since your first drop that you
> checked in to the OpenJDK repository.)

Can I see your new version?

> How about looking more at the stroking end of the process and I'll dig
> a little more into optimal rasterization code.  I have a lot of
> experience with optimizing rasterizer code (and JNI if it comes to that), but
> very little with the curve manipulations involved in stroking (math is so 
> *hard* at my age ;-)...

Sounds good. Have you implemented your idea of processing one pixel row at a
time, as opposed to processing subpixel rows? If not, I could do that.


----- "Jim Graham" <james.gra...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Denis,
>                       ...jim
> On 11/4/2010 9:20 AM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> > Hi Denis,
> >
> >> It's not obvious to me why this happened, so I think now I will
> put
> >> this type of optimization aside and convert to JNI,
> >
> > I've only followed your discussion with Jim but skipped all the
> > in-depth discussion.
> >> From my prior experiences usually  JNI is not woth the trouble, if
> you
> > don't have a serious reason why using native code would have
> > advantages (like the possibility of using SIMD or when value-types
> > would be a huge benefit), it has its own performance pitfalls
> > especially if the workload is small and things like
> Get*ArrayCritical
> > cause scalability problems because they have to lock the GC.
> >
> >> where profiling
> >> will be easier (for me - I haven't been able to make OProfile work
> >> for java yet).
> >
> > Have you had a look at the Netbeans profiler? It supports sampling
> > based testing to keep the influence of the profiler at a minimum.
> >
> > Thanks for working on this!
> >
> > - Clemens

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