On 12/10/2010 8:27 AM, Denis Lila wrote:
Hi Jim.

Yes. The improvement shown by the bench marks is substantial.

Then this is great news!

Indeed :-)


How often do we end up needing getTCloseTo in practice?

It depends on the ratios of the lengths of the sides of the control
polygon. The closer they are to 1, the less we need it. I'm not sure
how to answer more precisely - for that I would need a representative
sample of curves drawn in practice.

I was thinking of, say, when applied to a circle. Does that get by without needing getTCloseTo?

However, I did run dashing and stroking benchmarks. Stroking shows
25% speedup (because of the refinements to the transform pipeline)
and cubic dashing has improved by 80%. Of course, all this is useless
if I've done something to make things look horrible, so I'm going to
run the gfx tests again.

Good job!


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