Hi guys,

I haven't looked at the code in question in quite a while, but my recollection 
is that the OGL (and D3D) pipelines treated all surfaces -- including opaque 
ones -- as premultiplied because the OpenGL blend modes weren't flexible enough 
to replicate the equations used in our software loops.  I seem to recall taking 
advantage of the lack of a strict specification for this particular case and I 
made the OGL pipeline do whatever would allow for the fastest rendering, even 
if that meant it didn't produce exactly the same results as the software loops.

Just like Jim, I remember some break-room discussion as to what the "correct" 
behavior should be for this case, but I don't think we reached a conclusion.  I 
think there might even have been a bug report filed that talks about these 
discrepancies, but I can't seem to fi… Oh, wait, here's something!

That seems to align with what Jim and I remember, but unfortunately it doesn't 
go into too much detail about the "analysis" the ensued, and my memory's not 
getting any younger either :D


On Oct 2, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Jim Graham <james.gra...@oracle.com> wrote:
> From looking at the code, it looks like this is probably a bug.  The default 
> color model for TYPE_INT_RGB is non-premultiplied which means that we should 
> have unmultiplied the alpha before we stored the color. Now, if you had used 
> an alpha of 0, then we would have been unable to reverse any 
> pre-multiplication step and the results would have been undefined for 
> practical reasons, but with an alpha even as low as 2, we should have been 
> able to reverse the multiplication to something other than black.
> It looks like the bug is in the PixelConverter.Xrgb class which just returns 
> the raw rgb value (misnomer, it is actually an argb value) as the pixel 
> without checking the pre-multiplied flag of the colormodel. We should 
> probably have an XrgbNonPre and XrgbPre to be more accurate.
> At some point, I seem to recall discussions about our handling of 
> premultiplication for opaque surfaces and we realized that we were not doing 
> it quite right, and I seem to recall throwing our hands up in frustration but 
> I don't remember why we didn't clean this up (gettin' too old now...) :(
>                       ...jim
> On 9/30/13 10:52 PM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am currently testing compatibility of the xrender pipeline with
>> different composition operations, and I noticed for AlphaComposite.SRC
>> the D3D and OGL pipelines store pre-multiplied colors in surfaces
>> without an alpha-channel.
>> For example the following code results in a black rectangle, instead
>> of a red one when rendering to a BufferedImage of type INT_RGB:
>>                 ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src);
>>                 g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 2));
>>                 g.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
>> Is this intentional or should it be considered a bug?
>> Thanks, Clemens

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