Re-checked only the changed part.
Looks good. Do you have two reviewers yet?

I can push this if you like but you have commit rights so you can push yourself if you so wish ..


On 2/20/2014 3:33 PM, Henry Jen wrote:
Updated webrev at

- change those two Iterator from public to private
- rebase to jdk9/client

Who will be pushing those changes once approved?


On 02/19/2014 01:12 PM, Phil Race wrote:

515         public Iterator<ImageReaderSpi> iter;

829         public Iterator<ImageWriterSpi> iter;

I can't see why these are public. I think they should be private
Since you are touching these lines anyway public->private

I was on the look out for changes to public interfaces but I
didn't see any so that's Ok

So if you can
1)  make the two changes
2) re-generate against the client forest

then it should be ready for approval.


On 2/14/2014 6:43 PM, Henry Jen wrote:

Please review the webrev to clean up raw and unchecked warnings in
javax.imageio packag at,

The webrev does not cover javax.imageio.spi, that will come in anoter


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