Thanks for all reviewing and feedbacks on core-libs-dev[1], I tried to respond to feedbacks with this email and send off to other mailing lists.

I am wondering if jdk9-dev is the appropriate list for such a trivious but broad change, so that we can have one instead of many lists, and we still probably miss another. Lets follow up this thread on jdk9-dev.

Regarding to whether we should keep JDK, the later convention is 1.#, and as David pointed out the document also list @since that way, I think we should settle on that.

For other standards such as SAX or JCE, I propose to convert them to the version of JDK those APIs are included. To retain that information, we can introduce a custom tag, perhaps @standard or @conformingTo?

@conformingTo <Standard name> <version>[, <Standard name> <version>]*
For example, @conformingTo SAX 2.0.

Repo wise, I think it's best if I can commit to jdk9/dev as a single commit instead of scattering to dev and client. But I can cope if this is absolutely necessary.

Some changes to implementation classes, as I mentioned, only when it is straightforward. Essentially, I did a s/(@since *)JDK(.*)/\1\2 against all files.

Some changes not obvious are simply remove tailing space, a (positive) side effect of the tools I use so I kept them.



On 06/03/2014 06:22 PM, Henry Jen wrote:

In an effort to determine APIs availability in a given version, it
became obvious that a consistent way to express @since tag would be

So started with the most obvious ones, where we have various expression
for JDK version, this webrev make sure we use @since 1.n[.n] for JDK

The main focus is on public APIs, private ones are taken care if it is
straightforward, otherwise, we try to keep the information.

Some public APIs are using @since <STANDARD> <standard version> format,
they are also preserved for now, but I think it worth discussion whether
we want to change to the version as included in J2SE.

There are APIs without @since information, separate webrevs will be
coming to complete those information.

The webrev can be found at

but it's probably easier just look into the raw diff,


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