On 10/22/2015 5:07 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
I'm guessing that 6356322 has been fixed?

In XComponentPeer we shouldn't be scaling a region, we should have
created the region in a scaled coordinate system...

In XDragSourceContextPeer, should the scaledown try to do rounding?
Also, XMouseInfoPeer, lines 71,72?
Also, XToolkit, lines 725,726,855-858?
Also, XlibUtil, lines 129-131,159?
Also, X11GraphicsConfig, line 272?

awt_GraphicsEnv.c - what about GDK_DPI_SCALE?  It seems like it might be
used to compensate for fonts on HiDPI screens that are already scaled
for the DPI, but if you honor GDK_SCALE then you will doubly-scale the
fonts.  I'm not entirely sure I understand that, though, but it bares
further investigation...


may be related to this GDK_DPI_SCALE issue...


Also, is GDK_SCALE the only platform scale factor that Linux/X11 might use?

awt_Robot.c, line 280 - you lose the pointer to the old pixbuf, but
shouldn't both be freed?
awt_Robot.c, just verifying what I'm seeing - that if GTK operations
fail then we use nearest neighbor scaling in the X11 backup code, right?

gtk2_interface.h - isn't that a fragile connection to the gtk library to
declare our own enum and assume that the compilers will use the same


On 10/22/15 7:03 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 10/10/2015 3:16 AM, Jim Graham wrote:
Hi Alexandr,

Is it possible to create a diff of this without the fixes from 8073320
mixed in?  This bug is really just focused on the Linux support of
that other framework, right?
     Here is the webrev which contains only the Linux changes:



On 10/5/15 7:01 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:
   bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8137571
   webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8137571/webrev.00

   This is an initial part of the HiDPI Graphics support on Linux for
the JEP 263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux

   - scale factors are added to surface dates
   - window size and events coordinates are scaled on peer side
   - XRobotPeer mouseMove() and getRGBPixel() methods are updated
   - GDK_SCALE system variable is used to detect the scale factor in
   - "sun.java2d.uiScale.enabled", and "sun.java2d.uiScale" options are
added for the testing purposes
   - some classes like LWWindowPeer, SurfaceManager, SunGraphics2D,
DrawImage, SurfaceData are just the same as in the fix for HiDPI
Graphics support on Windows


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