The changes to pre-existing files look good although it is not apparent
to me why you deleted this in

 SimpleRenderedImage0=The provided region doesn't intersect with the image 

is it just not used ?

The rest I barely "skimmed" but I give it a go.


On 11/19/15, 1:48 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
Please review at your convenience:


This review request pertains to the changes required to integrate Java Image 
I/O support for TIFF into JDK 9. The two branches of the webrev, 8143342.00-jdk 
and 8143342.00-jdkforest, are for the JDK repository and the top level JDK 
forest repository, respectively. The latter only adds the new package 
javax.imageio.plugins.tiff to the list of packages which form the Java API 

The 8143342.00-jdk branch contains the actual source code and HTML changes. 
There are three subsets of this branch: 1) changes to existing files, 2) new 
files in the public API, and 3) new files in the non-public implementation.

The portions of the changes to existing files which affect visible API or the 
behavior of existing API are to add the TIFF reader and writer plugin SPIs to 
the IIORegistry and to link the TIFF Metadata Format Specification and Usage 
Notes document from the javax.imageio.metadata package summary.

The new files in the public API are the classes in the 
javax.imageio.plugins.tiff package, the package summary, and the aforementioned 
metadata and usage document tiff_metadata.html. The new API is principally 
concerned with a simplified approach to handling TIFF image metadata. If 
metadata are not of concern then there should be no need to use the classes in 
this package.

The new files in the non-public API are the classes in the 
com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff package. These classes handle the reading and 
writing of TIFF image data and metadata.



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