Hi, Phil.
The FileFont.java contains debug code:


On 11.03.16 2:02, Phil Race wrote:
PS there are a couple of other test files updated here

BigFont is one of the tests I ran whilst checking I didn't create
and it failed because it assumes a SecurityManager. I could not find an
open bug on that.*

*GetLCIDFromLocale happened to be the one I chose to paste in
the GPL and then I noticed it incorrectly had the classpath exception
so I am fixing that here too.


On 03/10/2016 02:53 PM, Phil Race wrote:

Proposal is to add two new methods in the Font class paralleling the
existing ones
that return only a single font.

Font[] createFont(File)
Font[] createFont(InputStream)

I tried to make the single & multiple code be shared as much as possible
to avoid duplication and I eliminated code in the OSX sub-class which
seemed to be a pointless copy of the superclass.

The test checks the various assertions I intend by probing for
platform fonts.


Best regards, Sergey.

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