Hello Everyone on Java2D Group

Good day to you.

This is a follow-up to Review Request on bug:
    Bug          : JDK-8015070
    Bug Link : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070

First, Thanks to Jim and Sergey for their feedback on the changes so far.

Inferences from Jim 's Feedback on Loading destination colors:
    1.  The API or Macro that I had earlier used to Load DST colors, indeed, 
adjusted destination color components with divide-by-alpha if destination was 
already pre-multiplied.
                 My apologies.. I should have spotted this error at the first 
iteration itself.
    2.  Due to the divide-by-alpha adjustment, the remaining logic would become 
incorrect. ( Especially, the multiplication with dstF based on 
pre-mulitplication status )
    3.  Correct API is being used now, and the dstColor components are loaded 
directly without any divide-by-alpha adjustment.

Inferences from Sergey's Feedback on Performance.
    1.  To set the context for everyone, the logic present in the current 
webrev.02 is modelled as per SRCOVER_MASKFILL.
                 There are multiple if (...) conditions that remove 
un-necessary blending calculations. Ideally this should improve performance. 
                 However, since some data are not readily available (as present 
in SRCOVER_MASKFILL), few additional calculations have been added.
                 They are: pre-multiplying srcColor with alpha and assigning to 
                                     Finding the correct address of Pixel using 
DST_PTR and PixelStride.
                 Henceforth, as Sergey suggests, Observation on performance 
will be beneficial.
    2.  The performance of the new logic was measured with 
linux-x86_64-normal-server-release config and compared with the logic used in 
un-optimized code in webrev.00
    3.  Result: The newer logic provides a fractional gain (about 15 - 20 ms) 
over the older logic.

Other Subtle Changes:
    1.  The test file has been renamed from AADrawStringArtifact.java to more 
meaningful - AntialiasedTextArtifact.java
    2.  The test file tests for both TYPE_INT_ARGB and TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE 
BufferedImage formats.
                The code has been well commented to explain the logic used in 
every function.

Kindly take your time to review the changes in the webrev link mentioned below 
and provide your suggestions.
         Webrev Link: 

Thank you for your time in review
Have a good day

Prahalad N.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Graham 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:57 AM
To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070: Antialiased 
text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts

Hi Prahalad,

(On a side note - ouch!  I came up with these macros in the first place, but 20 
years later I'm now realizing just how hard they are to navigate and review.  
My apologies...)

The macro you are still using to load the destination data is one that loads it 
to non-premultiplied components, which means it will divide out the alpha if 
the destination is PRE.  The rest of the logic assumes that the components were 
loaded without any adjustment of their premultiplication so not only is that 
division an unnecessary operation, it makes the following math wrong.

The SRCOVER_MASKFILL macro seems to use "Postload ## STRATEGY ## From ## TYPE" 
which seems to load them into separate components without any adjustment of 
their pre-multiplication status.  This is paired with "LoadAlphaFrom ## TYPE ## 
For ## STRATEGY" to load just the destination alpha for computing dstF...


On 3/22/16 4:35 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
> Hello Everyone on Java2D Group
> Good day to you.
> This is a Follow-up to Review Request on the bug:
>      Bug          : JDK-8015070   Anti-aliased Text on Translucent background 
> gets bright artifacts
>      Bug Link : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
> First, Sincere thanks to Jim for his valuable feedback.
>      1.  As Jim correctly mentioned, SRCOVER_MASKFILL has a similar logic to 
> blend two Translucent colors based on an Alpha mask.
>      2.  The calculations are exactly the same as the changes in previous 
> webrev.
>                  However the logic of SRCOVER_MASKFILL is 'Optimized' to 
> reduce the number of computations.
>      3.  This optimization is definitely required because, the logic is 
> executed for every single pixel in a glyph.
>                  Example: If a string is made up of 5 English characters with 
> each character having 32 x 32 pixels,
>                                     The anti-aliasing logic will be executed 
> for 5 x 32 x 32 iterations.
>                  Reducing computation per pixel will imply a huge benefit for 
> complete drawString operation.
> Observation from SRCOVER_MASKFILL
>      1.  The mask fill reduces computations by through multiple if(...) 
> conditions.
>                    Each if condition affirms whether the next set of 
> computations are required.
>      2.  Optimization 1: If mask value is 0- skip entire logic.
>      3.  Optimization 2: If mask value is maximum, say 255, take srcA 
> directly without multiplying with maskAlpha ( Reason: 1 * srcAlpha = srcAlpha 
> )
>      4.  Optimization 3: Compute pre-multiplied resColor in two steps. First 
> with srcColor and then with dstColor.
>                    If the resAlpha from 1st step (i.e., srcColor) is fully 
> opaque, avoid blending dstColor altogether.
> Changes in Current Webrev.01
>      1.  The fix for the current bug is modelled based on SRCOVER_MASKFILL.
>      2.  The changes have been verified to work on windows, linux and mac 
> operating systems.
>      3.  The automated Test file- AADrawStringArtifact.java runs as expected
>                 Identifies artifact & throws exception when run on JDK 7 and 
> 8.
>                 With JDK9, the test file returns without error.
>      3.  JPRT build has been run to ensure, changes build on all supported 
> platforms.
>                  JPRT job link : 
> http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com//archive/2016/03/2016-03-22-070604.prahn
> ara-linux.client
> Kindly review the changes in the below mentioned link and provide your views
>      Webrev Link : 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.01/
> Thank you for your time in review
> Have a good day
> Prahalad N.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Graham
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 6:07 AM
> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070: 
> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
> Hi Prahalad,
> This basically boils down to "alpha blending math needs to be performed in 
> premultiplied form" and the existing code was not doing that.
> Your changes do add a pre-multiplication step to the math in two 
> places
> - when you mix the src alpha and the glyph alpha at the top of the macro, and 
> again when you do the Multiply(dst, dstA, dst) step in the middle.  In that 
> sense, the new math is correct.
> However, it is not the optimal way to implement this.  In particular, 
> the macro used here to load the data from the destination is the one 
> that loads it into 4 ARGB non-premultiplied values.  If the 
> destination is non-PRE, then your added multiply step is exactly what 
> is needed, but it could be combined with the multiply that will happen 
> later in the blending equation, so it is an added step rather than a 
> fixed fraction in the existing MultMultAdd parameters.  Additionally, 
> if the destination is already PRE, then the macro being used to load 
> the dst pixel data there will have done a divide step to divide out 
> the alpha from the destination, only to have you reverse that math 
> with your new
> Multiply() step.  That's a lot of math to end up with a NOP.
> The MUL8 you added for the srcA and glyph value is needed, that change is 
> good.  Since it is common for glyph pixels to have zero alpha, you might want 
> to test the glyph alpha for 0 and skip the pixel before you do the multiply, 
> though.  This would add one more if, but it would be a common case.
> The trickier part is to load the destination components without 
> un-premultiplying them.  Unfortunately there is no "Load...ToArgbPre"
> macro to parallel the Load macro used in the function.  Perhaps there should 
> be, but you'd still end up with an extra multiply step as I mentioned above 
> because you can fold the premultiplication of the dst data into the 
> MultMultAdd by carefully choosing the parameters you use in the math there.
> The good news is that the way that the SRCOVER_MASKFILL uses the various 
> type-specific macros works around this a bit and minimizes the number of 
> multiplies that happen.  You could check out DEFINE_SRCOVER_MASKFILL and see 
> how it works in the case where pMask is not null (pMask is an alpha mask with 
> values very similar to the glyphAA data).  Modeling this code on that code 
> would correct the math and minimize it as well...
>                       ...jim
> On 3/17/16 3:00 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>> Hello Everyone on Java2D Group
>> Good day to you.
>> Herewith, I 'm sharing the webrev for two identical Java2D Bugs.
>> Bug ID : JDK-8015070
>>          Title     : Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets
>> bright artifacts
>>          Link      : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>> Bug ID : JDK-8013564 ( currently closed as duplicate )
>>          Title     : Font rendering anti-aliasing in translucent
>> BufferedImages broken
>>          Link      : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8013564
>> Webrev Link :
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.00/
>> Quick Summary on Bugs :
>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>> 1.  Artifacts appear on Edges of text characters when anti-aliased 
>> text is drawn on Translucent background
>> 2.  The issue is reproducible on all platforms - windows, linux and mac os.
>> 3.  Besides, the issue is reproduced with the commonly used pixel
>> format- 4ByteArgb.
>> Root Cause & Solution :
>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>> 1.  The Macro: GlyphListAABlend4ByteArgb in File: LoopMacros.h uses 
>> the standard blending algorithm
>>           dstColor = [ srcColor * glyphAlpha + dstColor * (1 -
>> glyphAlpha) ] / dstAlpha
>> 2.  The above equation works only when the srcColor and dstColor are Opaque.
>> 3.  When srcColor and dstColor are Translucent, their alphaComponent 
>> will influence the visibility of the color, and visibility of the 
>> color below.
>> 4.  The new set of calculations for blending Translucent source and 
>> destination colors is given as
>>           resAlpha = 1 - ((1 - srcAlpha) * (1 - dstAlpha))
>>           resColor = [ srcColor * srcAlpha + dstColor * dstAlpha * (1 
>> -
>> srcAlpha) ] / resAlpha
>> 5.  Reference text for the equation:
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
>> 6.  With the above modification to the blending logic, the artifacts 
>> do not appear and issues are fixed.
>> Jtreg & Jprt Results :
>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>> 1.  A simple test-file: AADrawStringArtifact.java has been created to 
>> be a part of jtreg test cases.
>>            The test file is well commented to explain - nature of 
>> artifact and how the test tries to identify them.
>>            As required, the test case fails with Jdk 7, Jdk 8 and 
>> succeeds with Jdk 9-internal (built with changes for the bug fix)
>> 2.  The changes to blending logic lies within 
>> java.desktop/src/share/native/...
>>            Henceforth, JPRT was used to ensure successful build 
>> across all supported platforms
>>            Jprt Job Link :
>> http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com//archive/2016/03/2016-03-17-072001.prah
>> n
>> ara-linux.client
>>            The build succeeds on all platforms.
>> Kindly review the webrev link and provide your views and suggestions.
>> Webrev Link :
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.00/
>> If the changes look good, we could take up the changes for source checkin.
>> Thank you for your time in review
>> Have a good day
>> Prahalad N.

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