Hi Jim,


I am trying to modify/add equals()/hashCode() methods in 
java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel() and its subclasses.


In BandedSampleModel and PixelInterleavedSampleModel I see that we have just 
hashCode() functions and not equals() and these hashCode() function are 
returning just constant value.

I am not able to find private variables or unique properties which are set in 
BandedSampleModel/PixelInterleavedSampleModel for the need to override 
equals()/hashCode() methods. 

Can we remove hashCode() function present 
BandedSampleModel/PixelInterleavedSampleModel and rely on ComponentSampleModel? 
What is the purpose of having hasCode() function returning constant value in 
these subclasses?

Please provide your inputs.




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