It sounds like scalex & scaley are 0 and are then used in calculations which
results in the NaN ? So why are they zero to begin with ?


On 5/16/2016 3:32 AM, prasanta sadhukhan wrote:
Hi All,

Please review a fix for jdk9 whereby it is seen that
A StackOverflowError occurs when printing in landscape orientation with a scaled and transformed graphics object.
 at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.prepDrawing(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.beginPath(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.convertToPSPath(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob$GState.emitPSClip(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.prepDrawing(

 at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.beginPath(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.convertToPSPath(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob$GState.emitPSClip(
    at sun.print.PSPrinterJob.prepDrawing(


StackOverflowError is occuring because the scalex, scaley for landscape orientation was 0 so when the testcase tries to scale with these scale factors
using g2d.scale( 1 / scalex, 1 / scaley );
it creates a AffineTransform of NaN transformation. Now, In linux, when the PS print drawing information is being prepared, it calls prepDrawing() where it checks getGState().mTransform.equals(mLastTransform) and since NaN values cannot be compared it results in "false", causing erroneous "grestore" postscript command to be issued and remove a GState from the stack so isOuterGState() becomes true which causes emitPSClip() to be called which calls prepDrawing() again via convertToPSPath() , beginPath() and since isOuterState() returns true due to transform not being equal it again calls emitPSClip() causing a recursion.

The fix was to check if transform is NaN and do not fill the devicePath if it is so, so that erroeous drawing is not done.
So, it will print out a blank page.

In windows, the testcase prints out a blank page. In mac, the testcase prints a 2x2 rectangle.


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