There does not seem to be a link to the new webrev in here.

Is it this : ?

> to default Paper (Letter in US, A4 otherwise) imageable area

I don't think that will ever be A4. Where is that coming from ?

And you still have not fixed the problem with how you retrieve the MPA :-
 512             MediaPrintableArea mpa = (MediaPrintableArea)
 513 getPrintService().getDefaultAttributeValue(MediaPrintableArea.class);

It is not supposed to be the MPA of the *default* paper. You want the MPA of *this* paper. Only if origPaper is not a supported paper do you go look for the default paper.


On 08/05/2016 03:20 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:

On 8/4/2016 5:45 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
I will override in PSPrinterJob but
1662             MediaPrintableArea mpa =
1663 (MediaPrintableArea)getPrintService().
1664 getDefaultAttributeValue(MediaPrintableArea.class);

is returning imageable area of default media of chosen printer from CUPS [ all supported media printable area is obtained from CUPSPrinter#getPageSizes(printer) & then initMedia() populates cupsMediaPrintables which is returned in getMediaPrintableArea()]
as IPPPrintService#getDefaultAttributeValue() does
if (category == MediaPrintableArea.class) {
            MediaPrintableArea[] mpas;
             if ((cps != null)  &&
                 ((mpas = *cps.getMediaPrintableArea()*) != null)) {
                 if (defaultMediaIndex == -1) {
                     // initializes value of defaultMediaIndex
                 return mpas[*defaultMediaIndex*];
by which mpas[defaultMediaIndex] returns default media printable area.
In else block, we instantiate mpa of Letter for US locale and A4 for other locales so I was not checking for null as in both if and else block , I was getting MediaPrintableArea instance.

Regarding considering equal margins, I am not sure if there was any way I could get right and left margin separately.
Please let me know if there is any way you know of.
I have modified to do the change in PSPrinterJob. Regarding the equal margin, we do the same in

That does not seem to be the same case as this.



On 8/4/2016 2:32 AM, Philip Race wrote:
High-level question. Why is this not an over-ride in PSPrinterJob ?

I'm afraid I did not get much past the first line of the change :
1662             MediaPrintableArea mpa =
1663 (MediaPrintableArea)getPrintService().
1664 getDefaultAttributeValue(MediaPrintableArea.class);

Read the docs for MediaPrintableArea :-
To query for the printable area, a client must supply a suitable context.
Without specifying at the very least the size of the media being used
no meaningful value for printable area can be obtained.

.. not to mention you assume a non-null return.

and then you use new Paper() .. which is a constructor which
knows nothing about the printer. It is *speced* to return
US letter with one inch margins.

Another reason why this seems like it should be a sub-class over-ride.

Also this looks wrong ---
1672             if ((imgX*2) + imgWid > wid) {
1673                 imgWid = wid - imgX*2;
1674             }

You can't assume equal margins.


On 7/12/16, 5:05 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
Hi All,

Please review a fix for an issue where it is seen that if user sets invalid imageablearea via Paper.setImageableArea and then calls PrinterJob.validatePage() in linux, then it does not get a valid pageformat


Fix is to check for margin as noted via CUPS ppdPageSize() and then calculate to find the valid margin in validatePaper()
similar to what we do in native validatePaper() in windows.


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