
That all seems fine (for the case of ignoreMetaData == true).

But there may be still a bug - of some kind - uncovered by this test.
The submitter has this case  :

ignore = false:
EXIF: true
Fax : true
GPS : true

which means that all metadata is being read .. as is the default per the docs on the TIFF package description. But I am wondering what the effect setting of


should have been in this case.
A strict reading of the spec. makes it sound like it only has any effect
when you specify ignoreMetadata == true but I don't see the point
of the API in that case, since you are already ignoring metadata, unless
it is just a matter of being more clear to the reader that the latitude
it has to read metadata anyway regardless should be tempered by
this additional call.

But is there not also value in being able to remove the tag from
the allowed set in the ignoreMetadata == false case ?

That seemed to be the gist of the text here :-
>In cases where the IFD includes fields which contain
> large amounts of data this could be very inefficient.
> Which fields are loaded may be controlled by setting
>which TIFF tags the reader is allowed to recognize and whether it is ignoring metadata.

eg .. "I want all metadata except Fax" ..


On 08/12/2016 11:23 AM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
Please comment at your convenience.

Solution:Resolve as “Not an Issue”

According to [1],

/The |ignoreMetadata| parameter, if set to |true|, allows the reader to disregard any metadata encountered during the read. Subsequent calls to the |getStreamMetadata| and |getImageMetadata| methods may return |null|, and an |IIOImage| returned from |readAll| may return |null| from their |getMetadata| method. Setting this parameter may allow the reader to work more efficiently. The reader may choose to disregard this setting and return metadata normally. /

According to [2], setting ignoreMetadata has the effect of asking the reader to ignore any TIFF Fields which are not contained in any of the TIFFTagSets known to the reader. This seems to be within the scope of the specification in [1].

As a result of the foregoing I suggest that the issue be resolved as “Will not Fix.”



[1] http://download.java.net/java/jdk9/docs/api/javax/imageio/ImageReader.html#setInput-java.lang.Object-boolean-boolean- [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/client/jdk/file/d5dc0c4fb473/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/metadata/doc-files/tiff_metadata.html, lines 219-234

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