I wonder why the @throws is not inherited...?

Another way to fix this would be to implement it in the base Image class with the throw and all classes that can return a graphics override it. Then you wouldn't even need documentation in the AMRI class just to say "never mind we don't provide this method".

The spec mentions that the method only works for off-screen images. While an AMRI may contain some off-screen images, it is not itself an off-screen so it should mention that. If we choose to list it in the methods in AMRI then I would just copy the entire comment from the super class Image and edit it based on the assumption that it is not supported for off-screen images, something like:

     * This inherited method can only be called for off-screen images, and 
     * an exception in classes like this that do not support it.
     * @return  there is no return value for a non-off-screen image.
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException since this class does not 
     *            an off-screen image.


On 8/23/16 2:28 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 22/08/16 11:06, Avik Niyogi wrote:
+ awt-dev

On 22-Aug-2016, at 12:28 pm, Avik Niyogi <avik.niy...@oracle.com 
<mailto:avik.niy...@oracle.com>> wrote:

Hi All,

Kindly review the proposed specifications for JDK9.

*Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8138771*

*Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aniyogi/8138771/webrev.00/

*Issue: *The customised specifications necessitated for getGraphics method did 
not exist.
 So test cases created according to derived specifications would lead to test 
cases failures.

*Cause: * No congruous specifications could elicit failure in circumstances not 
in test cases generated without the knowledge of the same.

*Fix:* Appropriate comprehensive specifications required were added.
-  I am not a native speaker. May be something like this would be better:
     * This method is not supported by {@code AbstractMultiResolutionImage}
     * and always throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}
     * @return {@code UnsupportedOperationException} is thrown
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException this method is not supported

- others overridden method should have a documentation that they delegate call 
to the base image (see #getBaseImage)


With Regards,
Avik Niyogi

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