On 10/10/16 3:53 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
On 11.10.16 1:23, Phil Race wrote:
Yes, I think adjacent drawImage requests should not overlap.  We
should look into this separately.

So previously, overlapping of the clip bounds ensured adjacent images
were not drawn
over-lapped .. but with this fix they might be ?

The fix change only behavior of the rectangle clip. So using the setClip we can 
prevent overlaping of the images. But i
think that even without clip such images should not overlap.

I'm pretty sure that setClip(x,y,w,h) would ensure adjacency (no overlaps and no gaps) with another call to itself with adjacent parameters.

And setClip(RectShape) would also ensure proper adjacency with itself.

But, I think we had cases before this fix where setClip(x,y,w,h) could violate proper adjacency with setClip(RectShape). This fix addresses most of that, particularly it works if we have STROKE_PURE. I believe that it still has issues with STROKE_NORMALIZE, though, because one of them honors it and the other doesn't. So, we need to have them both honor the STROKE_CONTROL in the same way.

On the other hand, we normalize differently for AA and non-AA. Calling
getFillSSI() on LoopPipe basically performs normalization only for
non-AA fills.  Arguably, though, clipping produces non-AA results in
that it chooses whole pixels to include or exclude. This might mean
that it should never follow AA normalization.

That last sentence sounds like the right answer in principle but I don't
know if we'll be unpleasantly surprised
by some  consequence of "... that setClip(Shape) and fill(Shape) might
disagree .."

I just tested fillRect vs fill(RectShape), and both work differently in some 
cases as well-=((.
So we have a few similar methods which works differently(even if 
VALUE_STROKE_PURE is set), which became visible on
fractional(1.5) scales....
 - setClip(Rectangle)
 - setClip(Shape)
 - fillRect(Rectangle)
 - fill(Shape)
 - DrawImage(Rectangle)

I'd like to see which cases cause differences. The main one that I can see by a brief examination of the code is the case of non-integer translations (but no scale).

I think we end up using the simplified FillRect primitives in the case of a non-integer translate, and that can cause a difference in effect. We could fix SurfaceData's validation to not use the primitive pipeline unless the translation is integer, but that could cost performance for that case. I'm not sure how often a non-integer translation with no other transform elements (i.e. scale) occurs, though. We could teach the FillRect primitive (or its caller) to adjust for the STROKE_CONTROL more properly in the case of a non-integer translation, but I'm not sure how often that will come into play and benefit us. Also, this might be fixable in the code that comes up with sg2d.transXY, which probably doesn't take STROKE hint into account...


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