From my end this looks good.  +1 except for 2 outstanding review issues:

- Would like to hear back final comments from Joe Darcy on the new doc 
changes/CCC request
- Phil pointed out that there is an unneeded import in some of the files. I agree that we should make a final webrev to delete them, but I don't need to approve it if that is the only change...


On 2/8/17 11:56 PM, Jayathirth D V wrote:
Hello All,

There was a closed test which was failing because of identity-as-equals 
approach for ColorModel equals() method.
I have modified it and added in the webrev. Along with this we are now using 
colorspace.hashCode() in hashCode() functions instead of 
Objects.hashCode(this.colorspace). Reverted using Arrays.equals() in 
IndexColorModel equals() method because Arrays.copyOf() takes lot of time.

Please find updated webrev for review :

Ran jtreg test and JCK there are no additional test case failures because of 
the above change. Only 4 JCK tests are failing as it was happening previously.

Just copy pasted my observation regarding JCK failures so that we can trace it 

1)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Constructor: Failed. test cases: 4; 
passed: 3; failed: 1; first test case failure: ColorModel2001

        This test fails because getComponentSize() returned an array with length 3 but it expects the length to be 4. 
In the test case they have bits per component array       of length 4 like {8, 8, 8, 8}. But in the test case wherever 
they are passing "has Alpha" as "false" we omit the alpha component bit. This is because of tighter 
check      that we have in ColorModel class as "nBits = Arrays.copyOf(bits, numComponents);" . 
"numComponents" will be 3 if hasAlpha is false.

2)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Equals: Failed. test cases: 3; 
passed: 2; failed: 1; first test case failure: ColorModel0004

        Here they check for equality between 2 ColorModel objects having same 
values, but it fails because now we are using identity-as-equals check in 

3)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#HashCode: Failed. test cases: 2; 
passed: 1; failed: 1; first test case failure: ColorModel2006

        Here they check for hashCode equality between 2 ColorModel objects 
having same values, but it fails since we don't have hashCode check in 
ColorModel and it     will be different between 2 Objects.

Failed. test cases: 2; passed: 1; failed: 1; first test case failure: testCase1

        Throws "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3". This is also 
happening because of same reason as why the first JCK test is failing. We omit alpha bit 
if        hasAlpha is false but JCK test tries to call getComponentSize() with index 3 
which throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jayathirth D V
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 3:41 PM
To: Jim Graham; Philip Race;
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel 
subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

Hello All,

I have updated the webrev to include the following changes.

        1) Have identity as equals check in equals() method of ColorModel but 
elaborate the specification of equals() and hashCode() in ColorModel on what 
properties to             check in subclasses of ColorModel.
        2) Made changes to test case to have single helper method wherever we 
have same equals/hashCode() check.
        3) Updated IndexColorModel equals() method to use Arrays.equals() for 
rgb[] data.
        4) Add comment on why we are not using validBits to calculate 
hashCode() in IndexColorModel hashCode() method.

Please find updated webrev for review :


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Graham
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 2:51 AM
To: Phil Race; Jayathirth D V;
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel 
subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

I think we should move this issue (array size returned from getCompSizes) into 
a separate bug entry and a separate fix.
I don't think we need to fix the clone() in the constructor and the getter just 
to get hashcode/equals right...


On 1/31/17 2:34 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
For an application to run into this same issue they'd have to expect
getCompSizes() to return data for components that don't exist.  It's
unlikely they would use that data if they really understand the
objects.  While that would be odd, I guess I can see someone might be
constructing all of their CM's from an array of 4 components
regardless of the number of actual components and we'd be happily
remembering the useless extra components and returning an array of 4
from getCompSizes().  As I said, they shouldn't really be reading and
interpreting those extra components for any image processing, but I can imagine 
that they might do something like create a variant CM by calling the 
CompSizes() and copying them into a new array to construct a new CM with 
modifications.  They might just robotically always copy 4 values without really 
checking how many are valid.  That's a stretch, and their code is weak.  I can 
conceive of how this might happen, but I really have no idea how likely it is...


On 1/30/17 3:56 PM, Phil Race wrote:
Sounds like we should at least try to get the tests updated so they only test 
what the spec. says.
Although it does indicate that there is at least a chance that
application code might also fail due to similar assumptions.
Does #1 not fail with the previous iteration of this change too ?


On 01/30/2017 01:40 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
Hmmm.  Sounds like the test cases were written based on bugs in the
implementation.  I'm not sure what the best tactic is here for the
short term for getting this in, but many of these changes should eventually be 
considered bugs in the tests.  Is it acceptable to break API tests like this at 
the last minute even if the tests are at fault?  Phil?

Notes on specific instances below...

On 1/30/17 2:22 AM, Jayathirth D V wrote:
Hi Phil,

    1)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Constructor: Failed.
test cases: 4; passed: 3; failed: 1; first test case failure:

    This test fails because getComponentSize() returned an array with length 3 
but it expects the length to be 4. In
the test case they have bits per component array     of length 4 like {8, 8, 8, 
8}. But in the test case wherever
they are passing "has Alpha" as "false" we omit the alpha component bit. This 
is because of tighter check     that we
have in ColorModel class as "nBits = Arrays.copyOf(bits,
numComponents);" . "numComponents" will be 3 if hasAlpha is false.

This is a bug in the test then, especially if the size of our array matches the 
return value of getNumComponents.

    2)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Equals: Failed. test
cases: 3; passed: 2; failed: 1; first test case
failure: ColorModel0004

    Here they check for equality between 2 ColorModel objects
having same values, but it fails because now we are using identity-as-equals 
check in ColorModel.

How do they accomplish this when the CM class is abstract?  Do they
create a relatively empty subclass and instantiate that?

The documentation for the equals() method does not document the
conditions under which it returns true, it uses a vague concept of "equals this 
ColorModel".  I don't see how they could test anything given that documentation.

    3)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#HashCode: Failed.
test cases: 2; passed: 1; failed: 1; first test case
failure: ColorModel2006

    Here they check for hashCode equality between 2 ColorModel objects having 
same values, but it fails since we
don't have hashCode check in ColorModel and it     will be different between 2 

Same as above, there are no promises documented.

testCase1: Failed. test cases: 2; passed: 1;
failed: 1; first test case failure: testCase1

    Throws "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3". This is also 
happening because of same reason as why the
first JCK test is failing. We omit alpha bit if     hasAlpha is false but JCK 
test tries to call getComponentSize()
with index 3 which throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Same assessment as #1 above...

Again, while these are my recommendations about the correctness of
these tests, the question remains whether we want to introduce a
change at this point in the release cycle that will essentially invalidate a 
number of tests that have been working for several releases already.  I'll 
leave that tactic issue to Phil...


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