No, I don't see the relationship.

charWidth() is accurate if you use the FontMetrics from the render context.


On 4/23/20, 9:19 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Phil.

Isn't all/some of the new text in getMaxAdvance() is also applicable to charWidth()? If I read the current doc properly then it looks like the charWidth() should return "advance" of some specific "advance", and getMaxAdvance() is "just" maximum value of any possible
results from the charWidth().

On 4/22/20 12:49 pm, Philip Race wrote:
bug :
webrev :

Loosen up the spec. a lot to reflect reality.

I considered deprecating the method but there isn't any easy replacement,
so it would just be annoying to old code.

This will clearly need a CSR which I will draft once we agree on the text here.


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