-- Kevin
On 6/11/2020 11:46 AM, Philip Race wrote:
one more update to the tests
I added
@requires vm.gc.Z per the VM folks, ZGC needs Windows Server 2019 or
the same vintage Window 10. if run on Windows Server 2016
ZGC errors out. This should prevent that. -phil.
On 6/11/2020 11:13 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
The updated LargeWindowPaintTest fails for me without the fix without
my having to manually set uiScale. It passes with the fix.
Interestingly enough, I finally saw the problem that Jay reported
with AlphaPrintTest: without the fix I initially get a blank (all
white) window. If I resize it then it is drawn. With the fix
everything is fine.
-- Kevin
On 6/11/2020 10:48 AM, Philip Race wrote:
Updated webrev here
The only changes are to the tests - to add -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1 to
the onscreen test
and to add printer to the keys for the printing test.
It was pointed out by Stefan from the ZGC team that the changes in
awt_TrayIcon.cpp and awt_Cursor.cpp
should not be needed because the GDI code in Create_BMP that
ultimately consumes the data
has processed and copied it into memory allocated by
CreateDIBSection before passing it to
CreateBitmap. I considered reverting those two files but decided to
keep them because I
think I would like this fix anyway. We really don't need to lock
down the VM in these cases.
On 6/11/20, 9:55 AM, Philip Race wrote:
I have confirmed hit a different code path. It goes through generic
2D s/w loops in this case.
ie we don't use GDIBlitLoops at all. The code in
sun/java2d/pipe/DrawImage.java ends up in
scaleSurfaceData which uses the loops in ScaledBlit.c.
It is a bit surprising to me since I'd expect us to be able to blit
directly at device resolution.
Could we also be taking a performance hit here ? The D3D case
doesn't not go through this loop.
However all that is outside the scope of this fix ... I think
setting uiScale=1 in the test is all that needs to be done.
On 6/11/2020 7:51 AM, Philip Race wrote:
Or, maybe we hit a different code path. I'll check that.
uiScale=1 is the way to ensure we hit this code path.
On 6/11/20, 7:44 AM, Philip Race wrote:
Can I get clarification here.
> I do, and had to run with "-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1" in order to
see the failure with LargeWindowPaintTest.
So you both mean a JDK 15 promoted build without this fix and
without this property passes because you have
a hidpi setup. And to see the failure without the fix you needed
the above property.
If so we could just be looking at a similar anomaly as I saw with
printing which uses a very large
image - it reported failure but actually worked !
Also - for both of you - with the fix and without forcing
uiScale=1 does the test pass ?
On 6/11/20, 7:10 AM, Jayathirth D v wrote:
Yes my machine was at 150% scaling.
If I force uiScale = 1, I see that:
LargeWindowPaintTest fails without patch and passes with patch.
AlphaPrintTest shows instructions without patch also.
@Phil : I think its better if we test at uiScale=1(larger memory
footprint). Please clarify.
On 11-Jun-2020, at 5:53 PM, Kevin Rushforth
<mailto:kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>> wrote:
Do you have a Hi-DPI machine? I do, and had to run with
"-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1" in order to see the failure with
For AlphaPrintTest, the test deliberately ensures that you
print before saying whether it passes or not. FWIW, I verified
that the printing test on my system was hitting the fallback
code with the patch, but it seemed to print correctly even
without the patch.
-- Kevin
On 6/11/2020 1:58 AM, Jayathirth D v wrote:
Typo : I tried tested -> I tried testing
On 11-Jun-2020, at 2:27 PM, Jayathirth D v
<mailto:jayathirth....@oracle.com>> wrote:
Hi Phil,
I tried tested the fix in my Windows 10 machine with Intel
integrated UHD Graphics 620.
LargeWindowPaintTest.java passes with/without fix in my machine.
AlphaPrintTest.java without fix just opens up blank frame
without any instructions and with fix it shows instructions
for the test.
Is this expected behaviour?
AlphaPrintTest.java with fix when it shows instructions if I
click on Pass(Since I don’t have printer right now)
it doesn’t pass/close the window. Only after I click on Print
button and then close print dialog it allows me to click on
Pass button.
Also how does these tests behave in our internal CI machines?
On 11-Jun-2020, at 2:18 AM, Philip Race
<philip.r...@oracle.com <mailto:philip.r...@oracle.com>> wrote:
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8240654
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8240654/index.html
This is for JDK 15 so review ASAP please since RDP 1 and the
test cycle are looming.
This is not a fix for a JDK bug. It is a bunch of
workarounds for a Microsoft Windows bug affecting
GDI in the context of ZGC (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/333).
Some extra details about the Windows bug at the end, but
first the technical details of the fix.
With ZGC's memory allocation requirement of reserving memory
in 2Mb chunks some Windows GDI
functions, mostly involving some bitmaps APIs may return a
failure code (ie fail!)
This typically occurs when Java heap memory is used for a
Java image and then in a JNI
call we use GetPrimitiveArrayCritical so that Java heap
allocated memory is passed to a GDI
function AND the Java heap memory spans one of the 2Mb
This is very easy to trigger in almost any Java UI app if
the window is of a large enough (ie typical) size.
NB: if you have an Nvidia or ATI card, then you won't see
it, because the D3D pipeline doesn't
call the affected method but if you have an Intel chip as do
90% (?) of laptops you will see it.
There are also several other places we found that are
affected. Printing is the other one
somewhat easy to trigger. The others : custom cursors and
tray icons are less common.
The painful thing here is that there is no definitive list
(a list of the known ones is below) of
affected Windows GDI APIs and we are just hunting around our
code trying to see where it
might be side-swiped by this bug.
The basic approach in these workarounds is that for cases
where performance does not matter we now copy
and for cases where performance does matter or larger
amounts of memory is involved we check if
the return value of the GDI function indicates failure and
then re-try with a copy of the heap memory.
Unless GDI was randomly failing already (unlikely) this
should be a no-risk solution in the high profile cases.
We have done performance measurements on the important
screen case and the failures
happen fast so the penalty is then in the re-try which is
only if ZGC is enabled.
Always copying the memory is slower (and memcpy is the slow
operation) than an alternative approach
that "knows" about the memory allocation of ZGC but this
coupling and the complexity seem like they aren't
worth it since I haven't seen any visible performance
consequence. That can be revisited
some day if need be, but for now we have correctness which
is the key as well as sufficient performance.
I've created an automated test for the most important
on-screen case.
Also a manual printing test case which invokes ZGC is
provided since there we also only
conditionally copy. In the other cases we now always copy so
existing test cases should over those.
There is some clean up in this fix - one completely unused
(provably so because it was #if'd out)
JNI method in awt_PrintJob.cpp is removed since it had code
that looked like it needed a workaround,
which would be somewhat of a waste of effort.
the doPrintBand code and its callee bitsToDevice has code I
think we can remove too since
I don't see how it ever gets executed (the top down case for
browserPrint == true) but
I think I'll save that for a P4 follow-on since it does
nothing that would be affected by this
Windows bug.
One oddity is the in the printing case I observed that some
times the rendering is performed
even if an error code is returned. I don't know why, but in
code we can't tell that it was actually
rendered and in any case there is no harm in repeating the
call with copied memory.
We are right before the JDK15 stabilisation fork and this
fix needs to go there and will
but the webrev is against jdk/client simply because jdk15
does not exist yet !
Please test and review ASAP.
About the bug:
Microsoft has acknowleged the bug and will publish a
knowledge base article about it
but a fix may show up only in a future version of Windows.
Not, it seems, any time soon.
Below is a list of potentially affected GDI APIs. Per
microsoft whether it actually manifests in
any specific case depends on "branching"