Hi Philip,

The MacosxDebuggerLocal.m changes look fine. It took a while to detect what was actually changed since the html files seem to convert tabs to spaces. I ended up looking in the patch file, and could see the tabs there.



On 8/5/20 6:46 PM, Philip Race wrote:
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8240487
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8240487/

In advance of the move to Project Skara/git it is desirable to clean up whitespace in source files that are not currently checked by jcheck so we can add these extensions to jcheck at that time.

The fix is therefore to remove tabs and trailing spaces.

The 3rd party harfbuzz library has .cc and .hh files but there are no current violations there
since I've cleaned those up when importing harfbuzz upgrades.

There is one JDK file that relates to those that inherited tabs that is fixed.

But almost all the fixes are in Objective C .m and .mm files.
JDK has no examples of .mm but JavaFX does so I was looking just to be sure.

And all but one of the .m violations are in the desktop module which is mainly because
that is where all but 5 of the Objective-C files are.

The only non-desktop violator is
and that is included in this webrev and why I've included serviceability-dev.


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