On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 18:57:25 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <s...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This bug was reported as a leak of the ImageObserver when the user draws a 
> multiresolution image.
> The multiresolution image is an image that contains a few images inside, when 
> the app uses the observer to get notifications about image loading we create 
> a special internal observer and use it to track loading resolution-variants. 
> This internal observer forwards notification from the resolution variant to 
> the application observer.
> The mapping from the application observer to the internal observer is done 
> via "SoftCache" which is a kind of HashMap that uses soft references to the 
> key and value.
> Here the bug comes, the soft references are cleared only under memory 
> pressure, and unused objects may sit hours in memory before being cleaned. 
> Moreover, the internal observer was implemented using a strong reference to 
> the application observer(it is not obvious since the lambda is used). So the 
> key object refers to the application's observer cannot be clear fast. This 
> causes an even longer delay of the memory cleanup, which was considered by 
> the use as a "leak".
> The fix changes the usage of SoftCache to the WeakHashMap, so the key(the 
> application observer) will be cleared when the application lost the reference 
> to it.

line 130:

> 128: 
> 129:             if (observer == null || image == null) {
> 130:                 return false;

How about a case when `ObserverCache`'s class instance is not collected by GC, 
but its `observerRef` or `imageRef`  is collected. Is it possible?
If so this class instance will permanently return false on `imageUpdate()` call.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2711

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