On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:07:21 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhuk...@openjdk.org> 

> Since this is windows specific code, I am not sure if system will not have 
> any printers. I guess by default, Microsoft XPS Document Writer, Microsoft 
> Print-to-PDF, Fax are present in printers list.

Yes, that's correct. But you can remove them. You can also configure the image 
so that these are not installed by default.

> That is the reason we do not have getPrintService() return 0 printer although 
> there may not be any real printer present in windows system...reason for some 
> failure in jtreg test which caused us to use `@key printer `tag in those 
> tests to make real printers are configured.

I agree that getting zero printers in Windows is unlikely. But it's still 

Consider the following scenario: Let's assume there are 10 printers in the 
system. The user removes 5 of them. In this case, `invalidateService()` is 
called on the instances of `Win32PrintService` which were removed from the 

Then the user removes the remaining 5 printers. In this case, 
`invalidateService()` is not called at all. If an application has references to 
any of these instances, they will continue to appear operational. However, the 
flag `isInvalid` in `Win32PrintService` is used in two methods only: 
`getPrinterState` and `getPrinterStateReasons`.

This fix is minor, probably this situation never occurs in the real life.

The difference in handling the deleted services caught my attention. If 
everyone agrees it's not problem, I'll withdraw the PR and close the bug as 
_Not an Issue_.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3151

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