On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 12:29:01 GMT, Alexander Scherbatiy <alex...@openjdk.org> 

>> Printing text using GlyphVector outline has bad quality on printers with low 
>> DPI on Windows.
>> The GDI system used for text printing on Windows accepts only integer path 
>> coordinates.
>> Rounding GlyphVector outline coordinates leads to distorted printed text.
>> The issue had been reported as JDK-8256264 but was reverted because of the 
>> regression JDK-8259007 "This test printed a blank page".
>> The fix JDK-8256264 scaled coordinates in wPrinterJob.moveTo()/lineTo()  
>> methods up and scaled transforms in wPrinterJob.beginPath()/endPath() down.
>> The regression was in the WPathGraphics.deviceDrawLine() method which uses 
>> wPrinterJob.moveTo()/lineTo() methods without surrounding them with 
>> wPrinterJob.beginPath()/endPath() so the line coordinates were only scaled 
>> up.
>> I tried to put wPrinterJob.beginPath()/endPath()  methods around 
>> wPrinterJob.moveTo()/lineTo()   in the method WPathGraphics.deviceDrawLine() 
>>  but the line was not drawn at all even without scaling coordinates up and 
>> transform down (without JDK-8256264 fix). It looks like GDI treats this case 
>> as an empty shape.
>> The proposed fix applies path coordinates and transform scaling only in 
>> WPathGraphics.convertToWPath() method.
>> The one more PathPrecisionScaleFactorShapeTest.java manual test is added 
>> which checks that all methods that draw paths in WPathGraphics are used: 
>> line in WPathGraphics.deviceDrawLine() and SEG_LINETO/SEG_QUADTO/SEG_CUBICTO 
>> in WPathGraphics.convertToWPath() .
>> The `java/awt/print` and `java/awt/PrintJob` automatic and manual tests were 
>> run on Windows 10 Pro with the fix.
>> There are two failed automated tests which fail without the fix as well:
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/GlyphPositions.java 
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PSQuestionMark.java
>> The following manual tests have issues on my system:
>> - `java/awt/print/Dialog/PrintDlgPageable.java` 
>> java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class 
>> com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainThread cannot access a member 
>> of class PrintDlgPageable with modifiers "public static"
>> - `java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintAttributeUpdateTest.java` I select pages 
>> radio button, press the print button but the test does not finish and I do 
>> not see any other dialogs with pass/fail buttons.
>> - `java/awt/PrintJob/PrintCheckboxTest/PrintCheckboxManualTest.java` Tests 
>> that there is no ClassCastException thrown in printing checkbox and 
>> scrollbar with XAWT. Error. Can't find HTML file: 
>> test\jdk\java\awt\PrintJob\PrintCheckboxTest\PrintCheckboxManualTest.html
>> - `java/awt/print/PrinterJob/SecurityDialogTest.java` A windows with 
>> instructions is shown but it does not contain  print/pass/fail buttons and 
>> it is not possible to close the window.
>> - The tests below fail with "Error. Parse Exception: Arguments to `manual' 
>> option not supported: yesno" message:
>> java/awt/print/Dialog/DialogOrient.java
>> java/awt/print/Dialog/DialogType.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ClippedImages.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ImageTypes.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/PrintARGBImage.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PageDialogTest.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PageRanges.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PageRangesDlgTest.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintGlyphVectorTest.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintLatinCJKTest.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintTextTest.java
>> java/awt/print/PrinterJob/SwingUIText.java
>> java/awt/PrintJob/ConstrainedPrintingTest/ConstrainedPrintingTest.java
>> java/awt/PrintJob/PageSetupDlgBlockingTest/PageSetupDlgBlockingTest.java
>> java/awt/PrintJob/SaveDialogTitleTest.java
> Alexander Scherbatiy has updated the pull request incrementally with two 
> additional commits since the last revision:
>  - Use DASSERT to check SetGraphicsMode and WorldTransform results
>  - Change setGraphicsMode() type to void

Marked as reviewed by serb (Reviewer).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2756

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