Hi man

I was out of the mail list the last two weeks. I
didn't have all messages. What can we do against
BMG/Ariola? I find an adress with BMG contact persons
on the german homepage:


Do we send like to Sony protest mails to the managers
of BMG? How can we help you?


Underground Fighters

--- Cornelius Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Yes, it's true.  My original statement was...
> Folks, things are not what they seem.  Then again,
> they are.  Dirk commented 
> about other folks coming to "milk the cashcow" or
> some other crap like that. 
>   He wasn't joking.  He was telling us about how he
> would set us up.  This 
> is all rumor, so I'll need a minute to get this all
> straight, but the word 
> is that the two individuals responsible for the
> "creation" of this rip off 
> track are now moving from Sony to BMG.  I don't
> think I have to tell you the 
> odds for BMG putting this track on the guys' debut
> release as a "legitimate 
> cover".  His response was meant to give the
> impression they were backing 
> down so that folks would ease up on them.  Media
> would say, "hey, it's over, 
> no need to write about this," angry fans would
> rejoice and stop bothering 
> them, and so on.  Many of you went for it.  Many did
> not.  Bottom line is, 
> this is not over.  I'm preparing a more direct
> statement to Dreyer and 
> others, but Sony has made their intentions clear by
> being absolutely silent. 
>   Even "allies" at Sony Japan are now refusing to
> communicate with us.  
> Whatever hope of any positive outcome with Sony has
> been destroyed.  They're 
> fucking laughing at us.  I don't think it's very
> funny.
> ...since then, I recieved this (edited by me)...
> In the new german dance charts the Jaguar is on #4
> with the label BMG no 
> longer Sony ! BMG make a deal with the coverversion
> producers after Sony has 
> cancelld the record. They will do more club and
> radiopromotion and 
> advertising and give a videoclip to Viva Television.
> Sony send out a 
> statement to the press and the promotion company
> Public Propaganda DJs 
> before christmas telling the story. It is printed in
> Raveline. contact 
> ...I have no doubt that Dreyer was paid nicely for
> the track.  There's no 
> way BMG could get it without Sony's approval (good
> Lord, what am I 
> saying?!?), uh, yeah, anyways, you can't tell me BMG
> did this without Sony's 
> involvement.  Other parts are making more sense to
> me.  The producers of 
> this track are from Cologne.  Wouldn't you know,
> Dreyer is a DJ(?!?!) at a 
> club there. (Too incredible to believe?  Check out 
> http://www.f-t-w.com/dj2.htm for some confirmation)
> It just kills me because these majors are basically
> uniting, saying, "we can 
> all gang up on you, so the hell what."  I'm trying
> to hook up with folks 
> beyond the techno community on this because, hell, I
> figure, there's a lot 
> of us, too.  Some folks thought I was being
> reactionary, but look at what is 
> happening.  I think if anyone thinks that this stops
> with UR, you're 
> deluding yourself.  It's kind of funny.  The
> underground, being what it is, 
> can be eliminated and who is going to notice? 
> Independent labels will 
> suffer and may die out, fans will sit at home bored,
> but the machine will 
> roll on and...I like  to think that...I'm a little
> too stressed and pissed 
> to continue.  You all know where I was going with
> this.
> Not having much peace,
> Cornelius
> >From: _tan_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: 313@hyperreal.org
> >Subject: (313) UR vs. BMG/Ariola???
> >Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 00:18:55 +1030
> >
> >again?
> >
> >after giving mr dreyer another serve he wrote back
> this email...
> >
> >tan...
> >
> >
> >>Thanks for your email. Please be advised that
> reacting to statements like
> >>yours
> >>we have cancelled the release of the coverversion.
> Meanwhile the producers 
> >>of
> >>the remake have signed a deal with BMG / Ariola.
> They will release it on
> >>CD maxi
> >>and compilations early february. We have no
> further control of what is
> >>happening
> >>to the track.
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> http://www.hotmail.com
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