Just picked up this disc on F Communications after hearing a few mixes
by him somewhere. Very diverse and hard to pigeonhole (it starts off
with a slight breakbeat feel, moves to a house feel and then some nice
313-ish vibe), featuring fem vox. Thought I'd mention it here because
the stuff on it that IS this-listy is very nice indeed - and there is
enough to justify checking it out. At points the disc gets a bit poppy
for me (and I like pop), but on a full spin it gets good marks. Also
pulled out Taylor Deupree's "Drum Computer" for the first time in a LONG
time today and was pleasantly surprised to hear more input fom this side
of town than I'd detected whenn I first bought it. 12k is more than just
clicks and whirrs.


"10,000 people all screaming the same thing at the same time are wrong,
even if they're right."

dancing/about/architecture "...with wandering steps and slow..."

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