On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Tom Churchill wrote:

> Lance summed things up pretty well (as usual!) - one of my personal
> faves are 'Open Door' - the Theo Parrish mix on Elevate is a monster;
> also 'Synchro' and 'Brother In Love' on Playhouse are great...
> Good to see people talking about the Playhouse artists, IMO these guys
> are making some of the freshest music around at the moment...

speakin' of really hot stuff on Playhouse...I really got into the Light
Fantasic 12" Lost at C Minor by Daniel Wang and DJ Cosmo from NYC...

pick up anything you see by Danny Wang...his music is excellent and he
does it well, real warm, deep, and from the soul...the way it should be

also pick up the Blaze records that recently got released as well...one of
the finest from NJ...

Pal Joey comin' to dallas wed. :)


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