I've got a bunch of old(er) vinyl releases
for trade that i think this list may be more
inclined to want/need. Labels include Drop
Bass Network, Soiree, Intangible, Plus 8,
and Acacia. Email me off-list if you'd like
to see the entire list, and if you have some
trade items, then we can go from there.
Thanks, and pardon the non-topic post..

p i e t r o   d a  s a c c o          a u d i o - n i m b u s
c j a m  91.5 fm  saturdays from midnight - 2am EST
9745 lynngrove cr, windsor, ontario, n8r 1b8, canada
g r o o v e s  m a g a z i n e   www.groovesmag.com

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