>... came across this MUTE advance CD today: "Mr. Oizo- Analog Worms Attack"
>and with just this wee bit of info have come to know that one of these tunes:
>"Flat Beat" cums to us by way of a Euro Levi  jeans TV advert and a sock 

Boy, that's made me crack up the way you put that. Imagine all these
DJ/producers hiding behind sock puppets. 

It's not as corny as it sounds, however!

Mr Oizo is on Laurent Garnier's F Comm label.

He makes kinda weird-ass electronic music.

Oizo is also a director - he did the clip for Crispy Bacon.

The bit about the puppet is true, mind. It's kinda like Oizo's alter ego. I
think maybe Oizo did the ad clip and that's how it started.

The puppet has a cult following 'n' stuff.

I'm sticking with Oscar The Grouch.



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