
I remember seeing a flier for a halloween party up here (minneapolis) 
featuring Mr. Fresh and it gave a little biographical info (founding analog 
etc.) and then it said something like "He's remixed for the likes of fatboy 
slim, the chemical brothers and even metallica!  Don't expect house or 
techno, get ready for some big beat rock n' roll madness!" 

I thought it was a joke at the time.  In fact I'm still pretty sure the 
metallica thing is, Anyone have info to the contrary?  But I guess the rest 
was true.  Oh well, you won't see me crying.  Damn, now I'm getting all 
choked up.  I told myself I wouldn't do this.

Teary eyed,

>I haven't heard his mix CD, but I hear he's gone all Fatboy Slim/cheesy 
>breaks/Big Beat on us.

Yeah, you're right there but he is more of a musician than Fatboy so there
is a little more funk.

I have an interview somewhere from mid last year where he talks about why 
changed - if anyone wants it let me know and I will post the relevant
quotes. It's interesting.


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