This too is a graduation gift to me. I think we talked early about a (313)
roundup number 2?

yep, that's already on my calendar. since the events in hart plaza are running from noon until midnight, science is the only logical choice for any afterparty events. all of the other bars would have to close @ 2am, which would be impractical. at that point the deck will be open with the second sound system out there, so it should be pretty intense.

speaking of sound, you all will be pleased to hear that the new dance system is being installed this week in time for doc martin and king britt fri 2/11/00. probably not as happy as me, but now the audiophiles can stop hassling me. ;^)

i'm awaiting the festival lineup so that i can program science's memorial weekend accordingly.

to those planning on coming into town, please please please start letting me know NOW about hotel st.regis rooms as i don't know how their vacancies will fare over the holiday weekend.

also, my web site is being worked on which will have a 313-event page to archive the 12/18/00 party and also provide links to listmember related sites etc etc etc. as i get closer to completion i will post the requests for info. holly has graciously offered to host the archived sets, and josh will be transfering the dats to the proper format, thank you to all who offered to help.

take care,
linda g
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