This last saturday night in Iowa City we had a visit from Chicago's own
Boo Williams, and boy did he ever deliver!  I can't possibly keep
track of all the permutations of house music, and I don't trainspot, but
Boo seems to have his own flavor, both in his own tracks (generously
represented) and the records of others.  His style is smooth jazzy house,
with live instrumental jams and live vocals layered in.

In Iowa City we hear a lot of Jack tracks, where the vocals are sampled,
cut up and banged on the beat.  Ditto for instrumental samples.  This
is an effective style, but to my ears, the live playing opens up and
relaxes the groove, and keeps a long set from getting monotonous.

Anyone who's met Boo knows that the man is (in Willy Dixon's words)
built for comfort, not for speed.  This was reflected in his mixing style,
which was smooth, with an emphasis on keeping the groove on, rather than
on orgasmic buildups and breakdowns.  Again a welcome change of pace;
on a night with a decidedly weird vibe to begin with -- who actually LIKES
seeing all those damn flashing LED visors and bracelets? -- Boo got
everyone calmed down, smoothed out, and bouncing.

And Boo was given the highest honor accorded visiting DJs in Iowa: the
corny custom of every DJ and DJ wannabee in the right half of the state
on stage pumping their fists in the air behind him while he spins.

At any rate, if you get the chance to check Boo out, I rate him a must see.
And maybe Boo isn't 313, but Sat night felt for once like a Detroit event
gone right -- it was all about the vibe, and everyone left with a smile
on their face.

kent williams -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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