Whoever these foo's are they are about to get a beat down from the tru FOLKS that have given them a reason to wake up and breathe in the morning. Not only is this insulting to my integrity as a person actively involved in forwarding Detroit's music...this is sum white boy propaganda technique which should fail miserably y'all.

Do ya hear me?

These so-called "Godfathers of Techno" sound like sum white supremicists who are attempting to be controversial to further their careers. Shut 'em down...disrespectful sods.

Righteously yours,

From: "Scott D Pruett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) GodFather's of Techno- mp3.com
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 10:37:01 -0500 (EST)

Perhaps this mp3.com page has been discussed before...and I hope this is a
joke.  Otherwise its pretty blasphemous to Detroit Techno.  The use of the
Rebel flag and everything it represents is rather tastless.

Check it out: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/59/godfathers_of_techno.html


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