Smallfish has some Twilight 76, Godfather type stuff. Honest Johns in Portobello Road has (had?) some DJ Assault 12"s.

But thats pretty much all you can get here in terms of Detroit electro/booty stuff and you're lucky if you can get those...

There just doesn't seem to be a market for electro in London like I hear there is in Manchester or other places.

Can any Londoners on the list help my mate Rebekah out? I've suggested
Smallfish but is there anywhere else which is hot on the 'straight-up
Detroit shit'?

> ...where can you get hold of dirty detroit booty ghetto techno electro
> whatever stuff? i mean shops in london, not online... it's my bf's birthday > in a coupla weeks and he's sick of what he call's 'southern shandy drinking > nicey nicey joe clausell shite' and wants to hear the antidote. if you don't
> know the answer can you forward this to someone who will please?
> cheers
> rebeKah

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