I was there as well man.

That "White by local talant" tune that Bicknell played was an excellent piece of musical engineering in my opinion. It definately showed promise as a very talented piece of music.

I reckon the Surgeon played a quality set. He played really warped tunes using mainly low bass and top end treble. He pulled off a few tricks but kept a nice "rolling feeling" to the set.

Derrick May did pull off some amazing shit.

The hole night was good fun.
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) Lost: last Saturday Derrick May....
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:36:01 GMT

Appologies for the late post!

Last Saturday was the second time hearing Derrick May in 3 weeks, however i preferred his set two weeks earlier at the Kozzmozz night!

I arrived as Mr. Bicknell was half way through his set, it was the usual thing from the lost recordings star.

I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Surgeon as I hadn't heard him mix before and was told that he wasn't that good. Mr. Child gave us some excellent records new and old, as well as some insights as to how they should be played. Although the mixing was good, there was some silly mistakes!

Step up Derrick May still sporting that kinda afro thing he has going on at the moment. What can I say the guy is a genius, a top quality DJ I get the feeling May feels that he can play what he wants at lost parties. He played that 'tribal' track again, mixing James Brown into that and then a moodyman tune after that...

The night on the whole was ok. Steve Bicknell was playing some whites by local talent, one of which is a close friend of a friend, so look out for a guy named......

Steve Bicknell still proves to be the lord of British techno, offering us the best in club and DJ.

The surgeon proved to me at least that he CAN mix.

And Derrick May what can I say he is the 'innovator' and is proving to be leading the way at the beginning of the new century!



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