
I just wanted to officially announce that Current is going on hiatus.
The venue that we have been using is closing in March; we have decided
that it is a good time to take a break and consider what is coming next.
I would like to thank all the people who have been involved in this
project, we could not have done this without you. 

Take care,
Mike Taylor

Thanks: Carlos Souffront, Craig Gonzalez, Pulseprogramming, Ryan
Anderson, Horsepower, Bill Vanloo, Bryan Bickel, Rob Theakston, Munk,
Pietro, Liz Copeland, Aidan Dysart, Nate DeYonker, Clark Warner, Rob
Hood, and anybody who ever came down to support the music. 

Please forward his message to anyone who would be interested.

'No map of the world should be without Utopia'  Oscar Wilde

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