i'm with ya, sean. i get extremely pissed off when
i hear a song i like on the radio (whether commercial
or college or public) and they don't backannounce it.
from a personal perspective:
on the live radio show and the syndicated show announcing
every track played is imperative to me and always has
been (and that's why i won't
play a guest dj mix on the show unless the dj provides
a full artist/title/mix/label tracklisting, and when i have
an in-studio guest dj on the live radio show i always get
him/her to talk about what they played and why), cos, like you said,
people can't buy a track they hear that they like if
they don't hear what it is! if a dj doing a mix show doesn't
bother announcing the tracks played, whether out of
"trying to be cool" or just plain ignorance, it does a major
diservice to the artists played and turns into a dj ego-fest
in that only the dj him/herself gets mentioned. 313: if you'd
like to read a rant (er, commentary) on this, there's one
called "dj obsession?" on cognition: http://techno.ca/cognition
andrew duke :)

sean deason wrote:

> from my perspective I think playing music from CD's is a good thing. I havent
> heard the show yet, but the last thing Detroit needs is another *mix* show!
> With turntables the host might be inclined to do a straightup  two hour mix of
> track after track with no informational content whatsoever. From the 
> standpoint
> of an artist: Mixshows do *not* sell records.
> I'm partial to the old days when DJ's would play tracks and tell you what the
> hell they'd just played between tracks, they'd maybe give you some background
> on the artist and the label ect befor or after. that's much more helpful to 
> the
> artist than simple blending a continuos mix of faceless anonymous tracks. I
> learned so much about artists from the old shows like Radio's in Motion, Brave
> New Waves, Electrifying Mojo, Fast Forward ect. To me knowing the background
> stories of the artists makes me feel that much closer to them when I go out 
> and
> buy thier music. am I the only one?
> detroit science wrote:
> > >Doesnt this raise the question of why, if they are interested in dance
> > >music, 89x doesnt have a turntable in the studio? Can't they afford a
> > >turntable? If craig is interested in playing dance music why doesnt he
> > >bring his own turntable into the studio. Why does someone have a radio show
> > >which plays dance music when they dont even know what to play? Shouldnt a
> > >dj know what to play? If 89x are interested in dance music they should
> > >commit to it by providing turntables and knowleadgeable djs ... sounds like
> > >they're really interested in something else. Let craig do his own homework
> > >and decide what to play - might be interesting to see what his taste leads
> > >him to.
> >
> > good points - since i know a lot more about the circumstances of the request
> > let me try to elaborate.
> >
> > as always, remember, all of us started somewhere...  take a step back if you
> > will and think about what it was like to be out on the dancefloor, not
> > knowing what tracks are being played.  at some point you decided that you
> > wanted to know more.  me for example - i'm not a trainspotter - i know djs,
> > not labels and producers and tracks etc etc.  i know how to organize and
> > make things happen, and y'all need people like me to convince sports bar
> > owners to hand over the creative control of their venues so that places like
> > science can happen.  :^)  and your role and influence on the scene that we
> > love is different than mine as well.
> >
> > similarly, craig is the marketing and promotions director for 89x and the
> > x2k show just kinda happened - it wasn't a conscious decision of 89x to
> > branch off into dance music.  the only reason that he has the show is
> > BECAUSE he's the marketing and promotions director.  the programming
> > director leaves the content strictly up to him and his co-host holly.  but
> > craig doesn't come from a dj background - and he quite frankly doesn't have
> > the time to do a lot of research since his full-time job @ 89x is quite
> > different.  that's why he asks for input, and if we can help steer him to
> > good music available on cd maybe the fact that all of the really good stuff
> > is on vinyl will push him to get 89x to spring for tables.  i don't know
> > where it will lead to, but unless the foundation is laid we won't know what
> > could happen with the show.
> >
> > and ultimately, yes - craig will decide what to play - but we can influence
> > it.  if i give him a list of 20 cds that the 313 list recommends he's gonna
> > go get them and listen and who knows what direction the show will take.
> >
> > does that explain the situation a little better?
> >
> > take care and thanks for the input,
> > linda g
> >
> > mailing list http://www.onelist.com/community/detroitscience
> > science office 313-534-7420
> > science fax 313-534-5155
> > mobile 313-790-7300
> > pager 800-200-5176
> >
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Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

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