got some really cool Kit clayton tracks from Twerk( a friend of Kit)
! of them is the type of thing your after its got a blank label but etech on
the vinyl it says
The minic and the model#1 comes in a green sleeve with a weird absract art
type of poster with it

Talking of twerk he has a LP coming out on Force inc sometime next month
(hope you gonna pay me for the plug mate)
----- Original Message -----
From: detroit science <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 2:20 AM
Subject: (313) kit clayton suggestions?

> hiya, all -
> need some suggestions on kit clayton tracks that are more suited for a
> chill/ambient/downtempo vibe....
> also, check this out, all y'all in the d - 89x's craig keeps asking me
> new cds he should buy to play on his show on saturday nights here.  hey,
> when was the last time the 313 list got to request songs on the radio?
> me suggestions, keeping in mind he doesn't have a turntable in the
> tia,
> linda g
> mailing list
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