Juan Atkins- Techno "An Evolution Process Not A Fad" (Interview)

DS:- How do you feel about being described as techno's inventor?
Juan Atkins:- "It's good to be known for something, y'know? I'm glad that I
was able to be one of the first people probably to coin that term
['techno'], and I know, for sure, that I was one of the first people to play
with electronic sounds in the USA. So, yeah, it's good to be designated as
that, and it's a good position to be in, but...,"

DS:- Do such plaudits add undue extra pressure?
Juan Atkins:- "To a certain degree, yes, but I tend to work best under
pressure. I tend to be one of those people who needs a bit of a kick in the
pants to get going, anyway!"

DS:- Since almost all the key Detroit names now live elsewhere, Is there any
definitive 'Detroit' sound left?
Juan Atkins:- "You can take a guy out of Detroit, but you can't take Detroit
out of the guy. I think that no matter where we live, we're always going
have within us the things that got us to where we are. It's just like riding
a bike or learning to tie your shoelace - you learn a certain way, and you
go through life doing it that same particular way. It's the same thing with
music. We all learned a certain way of production in Detroit that's always
going to stay true."

DS:- Do you get irritated by America's slow progress in embracing electronic
Juan Atkins:- "Yeah, it is somewhat frustrating because it's still at a very
young stage - but the scene is progressing a lot faster than I thought, and
I'm very impressed with its development and evolution. I'm going to a lot of
places now, and I'm getting the same kind of attention that I was in Europe
four or five years ago."

DS:- Why do you think US interest is finally increasing?
Juan Atkins:- "I think a lot of it has to do with the internet - now that
the information's flowing through to people a lot quicker, there's more of a
tendency to know who I am. I was in Kansas City about a month ago and I was
surprised at the number of people coming up to ask for autographs, shaking
my hand and congratulating me for the music - in Kansas City!"

DS:- How healthy is the worldwide techno scene right now?
Juan Atkins:- "I think it's had its ups and downs. You take a city like
London, which goes through phases every six months where it swings between
techno, house and garage. But in other places, like Germany, it seems to be
a little bit steadier and they've embraced it to the point where it's taken
on almost pop status - and that's okay. I can live with that. The fact is
that we're evolving into a technology-based age, so electronic music is the
way things are being done now. It's an evolution process rather than a fad,
just as the electric guitar was when it was introduced." - By Andrez Bergen,
Inpress Magazine, Australia.


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