!  :>  This is one of my proudest moments put to tape and it's nice to see a
shout out above and over all the other great mixes you can hear on the net!
I'd appreciate some feedback on it and for anyone interested in hearing some
of the older (pre-97) PlanetE backcatalog this is a very good start, IMBO.  ;>

FYI the track in question is 4th World's "Touched".  A gorgeous record..
BTW if anybody is interested in bookings hit me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] because
I'm planning to travel alot this year, and thanks to Jussi Lehtonen.  :]


>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: K
>   I was just wondering if anyone could point me to some real audio
> sites......i know of the womb, groovetech and beta lounge......any others
> that come recommended???  also i know of that site that has the deep house
> mixes.....anyone have the address???


You'll find some interesting stuff here. There's a Planet E mix by Dj
Horsepower, and I think it contains some of that deep house you mentioned,
IMO. :)


Also, I don't know if I've asked this earlier, but could someone identify
the track which starts at about 28.00:00?


 Jussi Lehtonen     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     www.netppl.fi/~sandman

  "Do not allow yourself to be programmed.
   For once, in your life, take control. Take control." - UR
  • Re: (313)Real Audio (also: Track Identify :) Steven T Lammers

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