My boss' wife is a producer for Dateline and she tells me that current headline topics sometimes bump other news stories. SO the E story probably got put off for the big time "oh my god he's moving to the sandbox" Elian news. The story will probably air at a later date.

The cover of US Today had an E story on it and a local radio station did a bit. They had a cop on talkin about how when you walk in to a "rave" you see potato chips and gummy bears laid out and it all looks very respectable but at these "raves" in reality the chips and gummy bears are laced with E.Sounds more like a trippy batmitzvah to me. Anyway the cops also said they are just finding out that E causes brain shit sherlocks.

Anyways, i called in, told the radio station this cop was a complete dork and that he was stereotyping a mass amount of ppl and that "raves" arent the only place and these kids arent the only ppl fueling E drug ring. AND that if these cops had any brains that they could of stopped this over 7 years ago when it was at a smaller point when they were narcing these parties.I remember seeing cops at early richie hawtin parties, they couldn't have been more obvious looking.blah blah blah-back to the relative content.


> sorry, not detroit specific, but relevant or
> representational of the battle being waged
> in many north american cities right now.

You know, 60 Minutes II was going to have a big feature on Ecstasy this past
Tuesday, but I'm pretty sure it didn't air.  They previewed the Ecstasy
piece on Sunday just after the regular 60 Minutes, and then it as listed in
the newspaper on Tuesday, but all they had was a piece on Elian, and then
some other things.  Anyone know what happened?  I wouldn't expect much from
Dateline or 20/20, but I bet 60 Minutes could do a (comparatively) balanced


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