If you're like me, you crave hearing Detroit music on the Web, but hate
crappy low-rate Real Audio stuff, especially if you're on a phatpipe like me!

I found this last night.  Plug the URL into WinAMP or MacAST or SoundJam
or <insert your favorite Net-enabled MP3 stream player here>:

Club Music

(a.k.a. at the moment)

It's a 44 KHz, 128 Kbps high-speed Shoutcast MP3 stream that has a lot of
Detroit content ... I've been listening to it for a couple of hours now
and I've heard Mills, Mills remixes, Carl Craig, Carl Craig remixes,
DJ Hell stuff (Mills remixes and other stuff), and so on ... it's great!

In case the IP address changes, you can get at it pretty easily from going
to the Shoutcast home page, selecting the "By Genre" menu and pulling it
down to "Techno", then clicking on the "Bitrate" link on the page that
comes up.  This should take you to the following (direct) URL:


Look near the top and you should see it (because it's high rate) - it's #6
right now on this page as I type this.

Off to Amsterdam in 34 hours ... woot!


        - Greg

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