this was written by my 17 year old sister vanessa after reading a portion of TECHNO REBELS...

brain food manifests itself as brain music formulated to stimulate the brainwaves connected to our sensory outlets that allow us to hear each intricate sound layed down subtly for us who listen for it. we can see such talent presented in front of our eyes to feel the music touch in unison the beat of the song with the beat of our hearts. hearts that pound harder and stronger as the music affects our profound side so deeply that we are no longer conscious enough and we get sucked into the hole of the sounds that bounce from wall to wall and place us in between it all. we have become one with the intruiging sounds that have been transmitted in us to make us feel exactly the way they were intended to understand why such a soul would be so ingenious to organize each sound in that order to make a specific sound for a specific crowd that appreciates it for its true worth. which is based on the person's preference daring to listen to something so technologically orientated.

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